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 DIV+CSS佈局教程網 >> 網頁腳本 >> CSS入門知識 >> CSS進階教程 >> 破洛洛收集30個特殊的CSS導航網頁

1. The Menu menu

The Menu menu

This another great CSS menu Stu Nicholls that’s unique – hovering over a menu item reveals a submenu. If you want get started with this menu just simple view the source code. Demo in page.

2. Pure CSS hover menu

Pure CSS hover menuView Demo

In this CSS technique, you’ll learn to create a vertically-oriented CSS hover menu that reveals a submenu when a menu item is hovered on.

3. Matte CSS Menu

Matte CSSView Demo

Matte is a simple CSS menu with rounded corners using two small images only from 13styles. It is maintained by David Appleyard who has lots of simple and advanced CSS-based menus.

4. CSS Blur Menu

CSS Blur MenuView Demo

This CSS technique shows you a method from creating a menu that blurs sibling menu items when you hover over an item.

5. CSS Navigation with Glowing Icons

CSS Navigation with Glowing Icons

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