DeviantART是一個展示與分享各類藝術創作的大型國際性社群網站,由Scott Jarkoff、Matthew Stephens及Angelo Sotira等人創立於2000年8月7日,提供簡便的線上平台讓專業創作者及業余愛好者發表其數字化的藝術作品及互相交流討論。這裡是Deviantart2009年8月分享的48個時尚網站設計界面,大家學習!
1. PaperBlog by edumicro
Author’s comment: “This layout started from sketch. I was drawing some things on the paper and then comes something identical to the result you can see here. It is a blog design with a different structure from my last wordpress themes.”

2. Pintley Website by ejsing

3. MyFolio 2 by edumicro

4. Aquaffect by BboyWicked
Author’s comment: “This was design done for a client who needed a new look for his portfolio of variant things such as web, photography, videos etc.”
5. Template 14 for 4T by nodethirtythree
Author’s comment: “Commercial template design. Full view is 75% of the actual design.”

6. Creative Wroclaw by hinok

7. Ejsing Graphics – White layout by ejsing

8. Ambiground by ECP-Pro

9. FreshPress by AlxDesign

10. Zanimation Portfolio 2009 by z-design
Author’a comment: “Designed to be developed entirely in flash, which will be done over the next few months.”

11. Edge by AlxDesign
Author’s comment: “Tried to use as little gradients as possible and only “pure” color squares on this one.”

12. smfyoo by SencerBugrahan

13. easo by osec

14. TopBird Admin by SencerBugrahan

15. JustBlue by dioxyzone

16. Muxo Joomla Theme by SencerBugrahan

17. Naturebloggers by SneakyOne1990

18. SODRINK Layout by ejsing

19. SeoHero by alivepixel

20. Mockup.GC by cerebrocreativo

21. Keim.cc by CoronaLemon

22. GoldPress by SencerBugrahan

23. Dioxyportfolio 09 by dioxyzone

24. DressUp Layout by ejsing

25. faucet by emsVizyon

26. Ready Made Designs v2 by bassmansgz

27. HuddleHub Layout by ejsing

28. Free OnePagePortfolio – Black by princepal

29. Hover.com by DouglasEltz

30. Quacero by SencerBugrahan

31. Snoba world Interface 2009 by tritube

32. ROCKY pre-final: 2 themes by tritube

33. Company Design by Moddog

34. KitGraphique : Invaders by miko434

35. eSport Website 4 sale by overcrock

36. Mens jewellery by finesy

37. Team Fear clandesign by pixelkoenig

38. Web Layout 059 by alert84

39. Ilixum Mockup by ipholio

40. Instalandia.pl by kibus

41. Delli Corporate by dellustrations

42. CMS – business theme by prkdeviant

43. Phototune theme by gdnz

44. Business Template by abodemous

45. TechLeef by Katro16

46. Qarstar Design by Qarstar

47. SevenDesigns Studio Finall by rolandek

48. Pctronic by finesy