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The internet is huge. Google alone list over 3 billion pages, looking at one each second of the day would take you over 99 years to view them all!


Many people can do website design, but how many can actually design a website. The design element is so important and so often overlooked.


If you intend to send out brochures to your customers, or to potential customers, and the brochure was of poor quality what type of image will this reflect on your business? A poor website will do exactly the same.


When designing a website one of the most important task to remember is colour co-ordination. Ideally you should strive for a maximum of three main colours, with variations and tints of these. By using more you run the risk of non-matching colours and ultimately less easy on the eye for visitors.


Next comes navigation. Colour co-ordination and navigation are the top main priorities. If your site isn't easy to navigate, people will not stay around to delve deeper. Once you site is designed ask some friends or family to test it out. The easier your website is to navigate, the longer people will stay.


Accessibility is a key issue that has been highlighted recently with a AUD$20,000 fine imposed on an Australian website for not ensuring people with disabilities and sight impairments could use the website. These rulings are few and far between (for now) but to help always use ALT tags on images (helping to describe your image), plus use text based links where possible. For further information you can check out http://www.w3.org


You have your site ready, it's full of content, great design and ready to hit the super highway - now how will people find you. This is where SEO comes in to play (Search Engine Optimisation). Optimising your site for the main search engines can help bring free targeted traffic to your website. The main and basic rules of SEO are:

現在,你應該已經做好設計網站的准備了,所有的內容、設計思路、並且已經上架了——那麼接下來會面臨一個問題,你該怎樣讓人們找到你的網站。這就引出了一個新的話題:SEO(Search Engine Optimisation:搜索引擎優化)。如果你能夠優化網站從而使搜索引擎能夠搜錄你的網站,那麼這會為你帶來很多免費的通向你網站的宣傳鏈路。SEO最主要和最基本的原理如下:

1. A good Title tag, e.g for C2 Web Design being a website design company based in Essex, UK and covering Colchester our Title tag is 'Website Design Essex | Website Design Colchester'. Using your main keywords for your title tag can instantly bring good results.

標題清晰。舉個例子來說,“C2 Web Design”它是一家位於英國Essex的網站設計公司,它的業務覆蓋了Colchester,所以它的標題就是“Website Design Essex | Website Design Colchester”。在標題上寫上能夠突出主旨的關鍵字可以為你帶來很多好處。

2. Make sure your keywords appear within your website. The % of times it appears has started to have less an impact, but the general rule is your keywords should make up around 5% of your copy - or ideally once every one to two paragraphs.


3. Request Linkbacks. Make requests for other sites to link to you from the day you website is activated. Search Engines, particuarly Google, base a large porpotion of their listings based on the number of websites linking to you - plus their popularity and themed relationship to the content of your site.


4. Be patient. It can quiet easily take a year or so to achieve a good placement in Google for a popular phrase - but considerably less time in other search engines e.g. MSN and Ask Jeeves.

耐心等待。大概一年左右,你大概可以獲得一個相當不錯的PR值。不必再考慮其它搜索引擎(如:MSN 和 Ask Jeeves)的搜錄情況了。

By sticking to these basic principles and ensuring your site is pleasent on the eye, easy to navigate, and optimised for search engine visits you should be able to claim your stake in the World Wide Web.


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