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12、remove(id, ...) Removes one or more DOM elements from the page. 從頁面上移除一個或多個DOM元素。

# Ruby code

page.remove('first', 'second')

// Generated JavaScript

["first", "second"].each(Element.remove);

13、replace(id, *options_for_render) Replaces the entire element specifIEd or outerHtml. replace is useful with partial templates so that the entire partial, which includes a container element, can be rendered and used to replace content during an RJS call. An example is an unordered list. A partial containing a

  • tag can be rendered instead of having to replace the innerHtml of the
  • . Replacing just the innerHtml would require the
  • tag to be moved out of the partial. 替換指定整個元素或outerHtml。Replace通常與局部模板一起使用,以便整個局部模板,它包含一個容器元素,可以被渲染並且用於在一個RJS調用期間替換內容。無序列表就是一個例子。包含一個
  • 標記的局部模板可以被渲染而不是必須替換
  • 的innerHtml。只替換innerHtml將要求
  • 標記被移到局部模板。

    # Ruby code

    product.replace 'banner', 'Welcome back Cody

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