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第三章 RJS  Rails


Like everything else in Rails, RJS is well integrated into the framework. In this section we'll take a look at how RJS templates fit in with the rest of the Rails.

第一節 調試


What would software be without bugs? Fortunately, Rails provides a few built in mechanisms to help you locate the source of your problems and get your bugs resolved quickly.

一、Development Mode Debugging – 開發模式下的調試

缺省地,在開發模式下,所有的RJS調用都被包裝在 JavaScript 的try/catch 塊內。該 try/catch 塊捕獲所有在RJS JavaScript 應答運行期間發生的異常。當異常發生時,有關什麼異常的細節被在彈出的二個警告對話框內表現出來。異常本身的細節在第一個警告對話框內。第二個警告對話框顯示生成異常的代碼。

By default, in development mode all RJS calls are wrapped in Javascript try/catch blocks. The TRy/catch blocks catch all exceptions that occur during the execution of the RJS JavaScript response. When exceptions do occur, details about what went wrong are presented on a serIEs of two alert boxes. The exception itself is detailed on the first alert box. The second alert box shows the code that generated the exception.

調用是由 environment/development.rb 文件內的配置參數config.action_vIEw.debug_rJS 控制的。如果你想在你的開發環境內無效調試,設置這個參數為 false 並重啟動你的web服務器。

Debugging is controlled by the configuration parameter config.action_vIEw.debug_rJS in environments/development.rb. If you'd like to disable debugging in your development environment, set this parameter to false and restart your development web server.

二、Monitoring the Logfile – 監控日志文件

如果Rails在處理一個AJax請求期間引發了一個未處理的異常,應答將會是一個Html錯誤頁面而不是你真的想由 JavaScript 生成的代碼。調試這些問題的方式是監控日志文件。監控你的日志文件的最簡單方式是使用 Unix 或Linux 的 tail 命令。從你工程的根目錄內運行該命令來監控日志文件。

If Rails raises an unhandled exception while processing an AJaxrequest, the response will be an Html error page instead of the generated JavaScript code that you really wanted. The easIEst way to debug these problems is to monitor the logfiles. An easy way to monitor your logs is to use the Unix or Linux tail command. Execute the following from your project's root directory to have tail monitor the logfile.

cody> tail -f log/development.log

-f 標志告訴 tail 輸出

The -f flag tells tail to output appended data as the file grows.

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