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 DIV+CSS佈局教程網 >> 網頁腳本 >> JavaScript入門知識 >> AJAX入門 >> AJAX詳解 >> Rails中的RJS模板

第二節 誰應該閱讀它?

這個文檔可用於任何對在RoR框架上使用AJax感興趣的人。這個文檔假設你熟悉RoR,Ruby,及通常使用的約定。它對於理解 JavaScript,AJax是什麼及為什麼你需要在你的應用程序內包括它都很有幫助。如果你發現任何時候你理解上有困難,那麼最好的參閱是 Dave Thomas 的應用Rails進行敏捷Web開發。

This document is for anybody with an interest in using AJax with the Ruby on Rails framework. This document assumes that you have some familiarity with Ruby on Rails, Ruby, and the common conventions that are used in each. It is also good to have a basic understanding of JavaScript, what AJax is and why you'd want to include it in your application. If you find at any time that you are struggling to understand any of the material, the best reference available is Agile Web Development with Rails by Dave Thomas et al. (Pragmatic). This book gives a thorough overvIEw of all ASPects of Rails and provides a great background to the material I present here.

第三節 Rails 版本

RJS模板要求Rails1.1或更高版本。如果你運行的低於Rails1.1,那麼你需要更新你的Rails安裝版本到最高版本。如果你更新一個現有工程來使用RJS模板,你必須更新你的工程的 JavaScript 庫。這可通過下面 Rake 任務來完成:

RJS templates require Rails 1.1 or greater. If you are running anything less than Rails 1.1 then you'll need to update your installed version of Rails to the latest version. If you are updating an existing project to use RJS templates, you must update your project's JavaScript librarIEs. This can be accomplished using a Rake task included with Rails:

cody> rake rails:update

該 Rake 任務將更新你的工程配置,腳本,JavaScript 為最新Rails版本。

This Rake task will update your project's configs, scripts, and JavaScripts with the latest versions from Rails.

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