這是一個相當簡單的從半結構化數據到 HTML 的映射。默認的樣式不太多,但是很容易使用 CSS 以跨平台的方式重新設置樣式。使用 DOM 操作數據也很容易,甚至不需要解釋。添加 Html 代碼會使文檔有所膨脹,但是不太過分。這個示例與 XOXO 大綱微格式非常相似而且我相信,如果在第一個 <ul /> 元素中添加 class="outline",它就會成為 XOXO 大綱。可以使用定制的 XML 語言添加更多的語義內容,例如用 <submission/> 元素替換描述列表,但是對於這個示例,在簡潔性或可讀性方面幫助不大。接下來,我嘗試使用 JavaScript Object Notation(JSON)進一步進行簡化:
{ "publisher": "Room of One's Own", "type": "Journal", "titles": ["Hyacinth Blue", "Fabrication", "Thanksgiving", "Spilling the Peas"], "titles accepted": ["Hyacinth Blue"], "submitted": "2005-05-10", "accepted": "2005-09-01", "published": "2006-10-01", "payment received": "2006-09-01", "expenses": [{"postage": "CAD 1.12"}], "payment": ["CAD 50.00", "2 CopIEs of Publication Issue"]}, { "publisher": "Surrey International Writers' Competition", "type": "Contest", "titles": ["The Thirteenth Child"], "titles accepted": ["The Thirteenth Child"], "submitted": "2006-08-31", "accepted": "2006-09-26", "published": "2006-10-20", "payment received": "2006-10-20", "expenses": [{"postage": "CAD 1.05"}, {"postage": "CAD 15.00"}], "payment": ["CAD 150.00", "Honorable Mention", "Copy of Anthology"]}, { "publisher": "Word on the Street", "type": "Invited Reader", "event": "10 Minutes of readings", "event date": "2006-09-24", "payment": ["T-Shirt", "Lunch"]}, { "publisher": "Paideusis: The Journal of the Canadian\ Philosophy of Education SocIEty", "type": "Refereed Journal", "titles": ["To Carry Over: Metaphor Invents Us \ (seven poems)"], "titles accepted": "All", "submitted": "2006-10-13", "accepted": "2006-10-16", "published": "Pending"} ]