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 DIV+CSS佈局教程網 >> 網頁腳本 >> JavaScript入門知識 >> AJAX入門 >> AJAX詳解 >> 常用的XmlHttpRequest對象屬性
request|xml|XMLhttprequest|對象Common XMLHttpRequest Object Methods Method Description abort() Stops the current request getAllResponseHeaders() Returns complete set of headers (labels and values) as a string getResponseHeader("headerLabel") Returns the string value of a single header label open("method", "URL"[, asyncFlag[, "userName"[, "passWord"]]]) Assigns destination URL, method, and other optional attributes of a pending request send(content) Transmits the request, optionally with postable string or DOM object data setRequestHeader("label", "value") Assigns a label/value pair to the header to be sent with a request 



屬性 描述 onreadystatechange 每次狀態改變所觸發事件的事件處理程序 readyState 對象狀態值:
  • 0 = 未初始化(uninitialized)
  • 1 = 正在加載(loading)
  • 2 = 加載完畢(loaded)
  • 3 = 交互(interactive)
  • 4 = 完成(complete)
responseText 從服務器進程返回的數據的字符串形式 responseXML 從服務器進程返回的DOM兼容的文檔數據對象 status 從服務器返回的數字代碼,比如404(未找到)或200(就緒) statusText 伴隨狀態碼的字符串信息
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