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  因此,需要一種互斥機制來確保同時只能打開一個臨界區,並且在它結束之後才能打開另一個。在大多數主流計算機語言和執行框架中,都提供互斥機制(經常是幾種),但是應用於浏覽器端的Javascript卻沒有提供這種互斥機制。雖然存在一些無需專門的語言或環境支持的經典互斥實現算法,但是即使這樣還是需要一些JavaScript和浏覽器(如Internet Explorer)所缺少的要素。接下來介紹的經典算法在這些浏覽器和語言中能發揮良好的作用。



  清單1. Lamport面包店算法偽代碼
// declaration & initial values of global variables
Enter, Number: array [1..N] of integer = {0};

// logic used by each thread...
// where "(a, b) < (c, d)"
// means "(a < c) or ((a == c) and (b < d))"
Thread(i) {
 while (true) {
  Enter [i] = 1;
  Number[i] = 1 max(Number[1],...,Number[N]);
  Enter [i] = 0;
  for (j=1; j<=N; j) {
   while (Enter[j] != 0) {
    // wait until thread j receives its number
   while ((Number[j]!=0) && ((Number[j],j) < (Number[i],i))) {
    // wait until threads with smaller numbers
    // or with the same number, but with higher
    // priority, finish their work
  // critical section...
  Number[i] = 0;
  // non-critical section...
// declaration & initial values of global variables
Enter, Number: array [1..N] of integer = {0};

// logic used by each thread...
// where "(a, b) < (c, d)"
// means "(a < c) or ((a == c) and (b < d))"
Thread(i) {
 while (true) {
  Enter [i] = 1;
  Number[i] = 1 max(Number[1],...,Number[N]);
  Enter [i] = 0;
  for (j=1; j<=N; j) {
   while (Enter[j] != 0) {
    // wait until thread j receives its number
   while ((Number[j]!=0) && ((Number[j],j) < (Number[i],i))) {
    // wait until threads with smaller numbers
    // or with the same number, but with higher
    // priority, finish their work
  // critical section...
  Number[i] = 0;
  // non-critical section...
  如上所示,該算法假定各線程清楚自己的線程編號(常量i)和當前正在活動的線程總數(常量N)。此外,還假定存在一種等待或休眠方式,例如:暫時將CPU釋放給其他線程。遺憾的是,Internet Explorer中的Javascript沒有這種能力。雖然如此,如果實際運行在同一線程上的多個代碼部分表現為各自運行在獨立的虛擬線程上,那麼該面包店算法不會中斷。同樣,JavaScript具有一種在指定延遲後調度函數的機制,所以,可以使用下面的這些方法來優化面包店算法。



  克服這些障礙的一種方法是使用Command設計模式。通過將所有應該進入臨界區的邏輯以及所有啟動該邏輯所需的數據一起放入到command 對象中,可以在負責管理command的類中重寫面包店算法。該互斥類僅在沒有其他臨界區(封裝為獨立的command對象方法)在執行時調用臨界區,就像它們各自運行在不同的虛擬線程中一樣。JavaScript的setTimeout()機制用於將CPU釋放給其他正在等待的command。


  清單2. 用於 Command 對象的簡單基類
1 function Command() {
2  if (!Command.NextID) Command.NextID = 0;
3  this.id = Command.NextID;
4  // unsynchronized API
5  this.doit = function(){ alert("DOIT called"); }
6  this.undo = function(){ alert("UNDO called"); }
7  this.redo = function(){ this.doit(); }
8  // synchronized API
9  this.sDoIt = function(){ new Mutex(this,"doit"); }
10  this.sUnDo = function(){ new Mutex(this,"undo"); }
11  this.sReDo = function(){ new Mutex(this,"redo"); }
12 }
1 function Command() {
2  if (!Command.NextID) Command.NextID = 0;
3  this.id = Command.NextID;
4  // unsynchronized API
5  this.doit = function(){ alert("DOIT called"); }
6  this.undo = function(){ alert("UNDO called"); }
7  this.redo = function(){ this.doit(); }
8  // synchronized API
9  this.sDoIt = function(){ new Mutex(this,"doit"); }
10  this.sUnDo = function(){ new Mutex(this,"undo"); }
11  this.sReDo = function(){ new Mutex(this,"redo"); }
12 }

清單3.作為類 Mutex實現的 Wallace 變體

1 function Mutex( cmdObject, methodName ) {
2  // define static fIEld and method
3  if (!Mutex.Wait) Mutex.Wait = new Map();
4   Mutex.SLICE = function( cmdID, startID ) {
5    Mutex.Wait.get(cmdID).attempt( Mutex.Wait.get(startID) );
6   }
7   // define instance method
8   this.attempt = function( start ) {
9    for (var j=start; j; j=Mutex.Wait.next(j.c.id)) {
10     if (j.enter
11      || (j.number && (j.number < this.number ||
12      (j.number == this.number
13      && j.c.id < this.c.id))))
14      return setTimeout
15      ("Mutex.SLICE(" this.c.id "," j.c.id ")",10);
16     }
17     //run with exclusive Access
18     this.c[ this.methodID ]();
19     //release exclusive Access
20     this.number = 0;
21     Mutex.Wait.remove( this.c.id );
22    }
23    // constructor logic
24    this.c = cmdObject;
25    this.methodID = methodName;
26    //(enter and number are "false" here)
27    Mutex.Wait.add( this.c.id, this );
28    this.enter = true;
29    this.number = (new Date()).getTime();
30    this.enter = false;
31   this.attempt( Mutex.Wait.first() );
32  }

1 function Mutex( cmdObject, methodName ) {
2  // define static fIEld and method
3  if (!Mutex.Wait) Mutex.Wait = new Map();
4   Mutex.SLICE = function( cmdID, startID ) {
5    Mutex.Wait.get(cmdID).attempt( Mutex.Wait.get(startID) );
6   }
7   // define instance method
8   this.attempt = function( start ) {
9    for (var j=start; j; j=Mutex.Wait.next(j.c.id)) {
10     if (j.enter
11      || (j.number && (j.number < this.number ||
12      (j.number == this.number
13      && j.c.id < this.c.id))))
14      return setTimeout
15      ("Mutex.SLICE(" this.c.id "," j.c.id ")",10);
16     }
17     //run with exclusive Access
18     this.c[ this.methodID ]();
19     //release exclusive Access
20     this.number = 0;
21     Mutex.Wait.remove( this.c.id );
22    }
23    // constructor logic
24    this.c = cmdObject;
25    this.methodID = methodName;
26    //(enter and number are "false" here)
27    Mutex.Wait.add( this.c.id, this );
28    this.enter = true;
29    this.number = (new Date()).getTime();
30    this.enter = false;
31   this.attempt( Mutex.Wait.first() );
32  }




  清單4. 作為 Map數據結構實現的稀疏數組

function Map() {
 this.map = new Object();
 // Map API
 this.add = function( k,o ){
  this.map[k] = o;
 this.remove = function( k ){
  delete this.map[k];
 this.get = function( k ){
  return k==null ? null : this.map[k];
 this.first = function(){
  return this.get( this.nextKey() );
 this.next = function( k ){
  return this.get( this.nextKey(k) );
 this.nextKey = function( k ){
  for (i in this.map) {
   if ( !k ) return i;
   if (k==i) k=null; /*tricky*/
  return null;

function Map() {
 this.map = new Object();
 // Map API
 this.add = function( k,o ){
  this.map[k] = o;
 this.remove = function( k ){
  delete this.map[k];
 this.get = function( k ){
  return k==null ? null : this.map[k];
 this.first = function(){
  return this.get( this.nextKey() );
 this.next = function( k ){
  return this.get( this.nextKey(k) );
 this.nextKey = function( k ){
  for (i in this.map) {
   if ( !k ) return i;
   if (k==i) k=null; /*tricky*/
  return null;

function Map() {
 this.map = new Object();
 // Map API
 this.add = function( k,o ){
  this.map[k] = o;
 this.remove = function( k ){
  delete this.map[k];
 this.get = function( k ){
  return k==null ? null : this.map[k];
 this.first = function(){
  return this.get( this.nextKey() );
 this.next = function( k ){
  return this.get( this.nextKey(k) );
 this.nextKey = function( k ){
  for (i in this.map) {
   if ( !k ) return i;
   if (k==i) k=null; /*tricky*/
  return null;

function Map() {
 this.map = new Object();
 // Map API
 this.add = function( k,o ){
  this.map[k] = o;
 this.remove = function( k ){
  delete this.map[k];
 this.get = function( k ){
  return k==null ? null : this.map[k];
 this.first = function(){
  return this.get( this.nextKey() );
 this.next = function( k ){
  return this.get( this.nextKey(k) );
 this.nextKey = function( k ){
  for (i in this.map) {
   if ( !k ) return i;
   if (k==i) k=null; /*tricky*/
  return null;


  由於Mutex所處理的線程(虛擬的或者非虛擬的)數量是動態變化的,所以可以確定一個基本事實:無法通過像浏覽器為各個浏覽器事件分配單獨的線程那樣的方式來獲得線程標識符。這裡做了一個類似的假定,那就是每個完整的事件處理程序組成一個完整的臨界區。基於這些假定,每個事件處理函數都可以轉變成一個command對象,並使用Mutex對其進行管理。當然,如果未將代碼明確組織成事件處理函數,那麼將需要重構。換句話說,不是直接在Html事件屬性中進行邏輯編碼(例如:onclick=' var'),而是調用事件處理函數(例如:onclick='FOO()'和function FOO(){ var;})。

  清單5. 使用了非同步事件處理程序的示例web頁面
<script language="JavaScript">
function newState(){
 if (XMLreq.readyState==4) processReply();
function requestData(){
 ...set up asynchronous XML request...
 XMLreq.onreadystatechange = newState;
 ...launch XML request...
function processReply(){
 var transformedData = ...process data to Html...
 OutputArea.innerHtml = transformedData "<br>";
function clearArea(){
 OutputArea.innerHtml = "cleared<br>";
<body onload="requestData();">
 <input type="button" value="clear" onclick="clearArea()">
 <div id="OutputArea"/>

<script language="JavaScript">
function newState(){
 if (XMLreq.readyState==4) processReply();
function requestData(){
 ...set up asynchronous XML request...
 XMLreq.onreadystatechange = newState;
 ...launch XML request...
function processReply(){
 var transformedData = ...process data to Html...
 OutputArea.innerHtml = transformedData "<br>";
function clearArea(){
 OutputArea.innerHtml = "cleared<br>";
<body onload="requestData();">
 <input type="button" value="clear" onclick="clearArea()">
 <div id="OutputArea"/>

  例如,假設有三個事件處理程序函數,它們操縱清單5所示的共用數據。它們處理頁面加載事件、單擊按鈕事件和來自XML請求的應答事件。頁面加載事件發出某個異步請求來要求獲取數據並指定請求-應答事件處理程序,該處理程序處理接收到的數據,並將其加載到共用數據結構。單擊按鈕事件處理程序也影響共用數據結構。為了避免這些事件處理程序發生沖突,可以通過清單6所示的Mutex將它們轉變成command並加以調用(假設JavaScript include文件mutex.JS中包含Map和Mutex)。注意,雖然可以使用優美的類繼承機制來實現Command子類,但是該代碼說明了最簡單的方法,該方法僅需要全局變量NEXT_CMD_ID。

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