[3.1]perl寫法(使用字面量形式): var expression = /pattern/flags;
e.g. var pattern = /a/i;//匹配字符串中所有'a'的實例
e.g. var pattern = new RegExp('[bc]at','i');
function getByClass(obj,classname){ var elements = obj.getElementsByTagName('*'); var result = []; var pattern = new RegExp( '^|\\s'+ classname + '\\s|$'); for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++){ if(pattern.test(elements[i].className)){ result.push(elements[i]); } } }
var re = null, i; for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){ re = /cat/g; re.test('catastrophe'); } for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){ re = new RegExp('cat','g'); re.test('catastrophe'); }
[4.0]元字符(14個):() [] {} \ ^ $ | ? * + .
[注意]元字符必須轉義,即用\ 加轉義字符,用new RegExp寫的正則必須雙重轉義
[4.1.1]\d 數字 \D 非數字
[4.1.2]\w 字母、數字、下劃線 \W 非字母、數字、下劃線
[4.1.3]\s 空格 \S 非空格
[4.1.4]\b 邊界符,\w的左側或右側不是\w,則會出現一個邊界符 \B非邊界符
[4.1.5]\1 表示和前面相同的一個字符
var str = 'aaaaabbbbbdddddaaaaaaaffffffffffffffffffgggggcccccce'; var pattern = /(\w)\1+/g; var maxLength = 0; var maxValue = ''; var result = str.replace(pattern,function(match,match1,pos,originalText){ if(match.length > maxLength){ maxLength = match.length; maxValue = match1; } }) console.log(maxLength,maxValue);//18 "f"
[4.1.6](\w)(\d)\1\2 :\1代表\w當時所代表的值,\2代表\d當時所代表的值
[4.1.7]\t 制表符
[4.1.8]\v 垂直制表符
[4.1.9]\uxxxx 查找以十六進制xxxx規定的Unicode字符
[a]\r return 回車
[b]\n newline 換行
[c]\t table 制表符
[d]\b backspace 退格
//字面量模式 -> 等價的字符串 // /\[bc\]at/ "\\[bc\\]at" // /\.at/ "\\.at" // /name\/age/ "name\\/age" // /\d.\d{1,2}/ "\\d.\\d{1,2}" // /\w\\hello\\123/ "\\w\\\\hello\\\\123"
[4.4]控制符號([]:候選 |:或 ^:非 -:到)
[4.4.1](red|blue|green) 查找任何指定的選項
[4.4.2][abc] 查找方括號之間的任何字符
[4.4.3][^abc] 查找任何不在方括號之間的字符
[4.4.4][0-9] 查找任何從0到9的數字
[4.4.5][a-z] 查找任何從小寫a到小寫z的字符
[4.4.6][A-Z] 查找任何從大寫A到大寫Z的字符
[4.4.7][A-z] 查找任何從大寫A到小寫z的字符
[4.4.8][adgk] 查找給定集合內的任何字符
[4.4.9][^adgk] 查找給定集合外的任何字符
//$$ $ //$& 匹配整個模式的子字符串(與RegExp.lastMatch的值相同) //$` 匹配子字符串之前的子字符串(與RegExp.leftContext的值相同) //$' 匹配子字符串之後的子字符串(與RegExp.rightContext的值相同) //$n 匹配第n個捕獲組子字符串,其中n等於0-9。$1表示匹配第一個捕獲組的子字符串(從第1個算起) //$nn 匹配第nn個捕獲組的子字符串,其中nn等於01-99
console.log('cat,bat,sat,fat'.replace(/(.a)(t)/g,'$0'))//$0,$0,$0,$0 console.log('cat,bat,sat,fat'.replace(/(.a)(t)/g,'$1'))//ca,ba,sa,fa console.log('cat,bat,sat,fat'.replace(/(.a)(t)/g,'$2'))//t,t,t,t console.log('cat,bat,sat,fat'.replace(/(.a)(t)/g,'$3'))//$3,$3,$3,$3 console.log('cat,bat,sat,fat'.replace(/(.a)(t)/g,'$$'))//$,$,$,$ console.log('cat,bat,sat,fat'.replace(/(.a)(t)/g,'$&'))//cat,bat,sat,fat console.log('cat,bat,sat,fat'.replace(/(.a)(t)/g,'$`'))//,cat,,cat,bat,,cat,bat,sat, console.log('cat,bat,sat,fat'.replace(/(.a)(t)/g,"$'"))//,bat,sat,fat,,sat,fat,,fat,
[5.2]ignoreCase: 布爾值,表示是否設置了i標志
[5.3]lastIndex: 整數,表示開始搜索下一個匹配項的字符位置,從0算起
[5.4]multiline: 布爾值,表示是否設置了標志m
[5.5]source: 正則表達式的字符串表示,按照字面量形式而非傳入構造函數中的字符串模式返回
var pattern = new RegExp('\\[bc\\]at','i'); console.log(pattern.global);//false console.log(pattern.ignoreCase);//true console.log(pattern.multiline);//false console.log(pattern.lastIndex);//0 console.log(pattern.source);//'\[bc\]at'
//長屬性名 短屬性名 說明
//input $_ 最近一次要匹配的字符串
//lastMatch $& 最近一次的匹配項
//lastParen $+ 最近一次匹配的捕獲組
//leftContext $` input字符串中lastMatch之前的文本
//multiline $* 布爾值,表示是否所有表達式都使用多行模式
//rightContext $' input字符串中lastMarch之後的文本
var text = 'this has been a short summer'; var pattern = /(.)hort/g; if(pattern.test(text)){ console.log(RegExp.input);//'this has been a short summer' console.log(RegExp.leftContext);//'this has been a ' console.log(RegExp.rightContext);//' summer' console.log(RegExp.lastMatch);//'short' console.log(RegExp.lastParen);//'s' console.log(RegExp.multiline);//false console.log(RegExp['$_']);//'this has been a short summer' console.log(RegExp['$`']);//'this has been a ' console.log(RegExp["$'"]);//' summer' console.log(RegExp['$&']);//'short' console.log(RegExp['$+']);//'s' console.log(RegExp['$*']);//false }
var text = 'this has been a short summer'; var pattern = /(..)or(.)/g; if(pattern.test(text)){ console.log(RegExp.$1);//sh console.log(RegExp.$2);//t }
var text = 'mom and dad and baby and others'; var pattern = /mom( and dad( and baby)?)?/gi; var matches = pattern.exec(text); console.log(pattern,matches); //pattern.lastIndex:20 //matches[0]:'mom and dad and baby' //matches[1]:' and dad and baby' //matches[2]:' and baby' //matches.index:0 //matches.input:'mom and dad and baby and others'
var text = 'cat,bat,sat,fat'; var pattern1 = /.at/; var matches = pattern1.exec(text); console.log(pattern1,matches); //pattern1.lastIndex:0 //matches[0]:'cat' //matches.index:0 //matches.input:'cat,bat,sat,fat' matches = pattern1.exec(text); console.log(pattern1,matches); //pattern1.lastIndex:0 //matches[0]:'cat' //matches.index:0 //matches.input:'cat,bat,sat,fat'
var text = 'cat,bat,sat,fat'; var pattern2 = /.at/g; var matches = pattern2.exec(text); console.log(pattern2,matches); //pattern2.lastIndex:3 //matches[0]:'cat' //matches.index:0 //matches.input:'cat,bat,sat,fat' matches = pattern2.exec(text); console.log(pattern2,matches); //pattern2.lastIndex:7 //matches[0]:'bat' //matches.index:4 //matches.input:'cat,bat,sat,fat'
var string = 'j1h342jg24g234j 3g24j1'; var pattern = /\d/g; var valueArray = [];//值 var indexArray = [];//位置 var temp = pattern.exec(string); while(temp != null){ valueArray.push(temp[0]); indexArray.push(temp.index); temp = pattern.exec(string); } console.log(valueArray,indexArray);
var text = '000-00-000'; var pattern = /\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}/; if(pattern.test(text)){ console.log('The pattern was matched'); }
var string = 'cat,bat,sat,fat'; var pattern = /.at/; var matches = string.match(pattern); console.log(matches,matches.index,matches.input);//['cat'] 0 'cat,bat,sat,fat'
var string = 'cat,bat,sat,fat'; var pattern = /.at/g; var matches = string.match(pattern); console.log(matches,matches.index,matches.input);//['cat','bat','sat','fat'] undefined undefined
var string = 'cat,bat,sat,fat'; var pattern = 'at'; var matches = string.match(pattern); console.log(matches,matches.index,matches.input);//['at'] 1 'cat,bat,sat,fat'
var string = 'cat,bat,sat,fat'; var pattern = /.at/; var pos = string.search(pattern); console.log(pos);//0
var string = 'cat,bat,sat,fat'; var pattern = 'at'; var pos = string.search(pattern); console.log(pos);//1
function fnAllSearch(str,pattern){ var pos = str.search(pattern); var length = str.match(pattern)[0].length; var index = pos+length; var result = []; var last = index; result.push(pos); while(true){ str = str.substr(index); pos = str.search(pattern); if(pos === -1){ break; } length = str.match(pattern)[0].length; index = pos+length; result.push(last+pos); last += index; } return result; } console.log(fnAllSearch('cat23fbat246565sa3dftf44at',/\d+/));//[3,9,17,22]
var string = 'cat,bat,sat,fat'; var result = string.replace('at','ond'); console.log(result);//'cond,bat,sat,fat'
var string = 'cat,bat,sat,fat'; var result = string.replace(/at/,'ond'); console.log(result);//'cond,bat,sat,fat'
var string = 'cat,bat,sat,fat'; var result = string.replace(/at/g,'ond'); console.log(result);//'cond,bond,sond,fond'
function htmlEscape(text){ return text.replace(/[<>"&]/g,function(match,pos,originalText){ switch(match){ case '<': return '<'; case '>': return '>'; case '&': return '&'; case '\"': return '"'; } }); } console.log(htmlEscape('<p class=\"greeting\">Hello world!</p>')); //<p class=" greeting">Hello world!</p> console.log(htmlEscape('<p class="greeting">Hello world!</p>')); //同上
var pattern = new RegExp('\\[bc\\]at','gi'); console.log(pattern.toString()); // '/\[bc\]at/gi' console.log(pattern.toLocaleString()); // '/\[bc\]at/gi' console.log(pattern.valueOf()); // /\[bc\]at/gi
var str1 = 'j1h342jg24g234j 3g24j1'; var array = []; var temp = ''; for(var i = 0; i < str1.length; i++){ var value = parseInt(str1.charAt(i));//如果用number將無法排除空格 if(!isNaN(value)){ temp += str1.charAt(i); }else{ if(temp != ''){ array.push(temp); temp = ''; } } } if(temp != ''){ array.push(temp); temp = ''; } console.log(array);
var str1 = 'j1h342jg24g234j 3g24j1'; array = str1.match(/\d+/g); console.log(array);
var string = 'FLG是邪教'; var pattern = /FLG|邪教/g; var result = string.replace(pattern,function($0){ var s = ''; for(var i = 0; i < $0.length; i++){ s+= '*'; } return s; }) console.log(result);
var array = ['2015.7.28','2015-7-28','2015/7/28','2015.7-28','2015-7.28','2015/7---28']; function formatDate(date){ return date.replace(/(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)/,'$1'+'年'+'$2'+'月'+'$3'+'日') } var result = []; for(var i = 0 ; i < array.length; i++){ result.push(formatDate(array[i])); } console.log(result);
var str = '<p>refds</p><p>fasdf</p>' var pattern = /<[^<>]+>/g; console.log(str.replace(pattern,''));
var string = ' my name is littlematch '; console.log(string.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/,''));