將提交的數據寫為XML文檔,則需要通過Microsoft XMLDOM Object創建一個新的XML文檔。Microsoft XMLDOM Object擁有一個可擴展對象庫,通過它可以創建elements,attributes以及values,通過創建的這些項目則可以組成XML文檔。我無法將整個目標模型做個完整的介紹,因為它所包含的內容太廣泛,對於將建成的網站來說,目標模型甚至通過自身也能組建一個相對完整的部份。
在XMLDOM Object被創建出來之後,通過創建目標(此目標是關於組成XML文檔中每一層的ELEMENTS而言)XML的結構會被演示出來。接下來,會舉例說明XMLDOM是怎樣被創建出來的。創建root element之後,將它附加在XMLDOM文件上。然後創建child elements並附加在root element上,最後存儲文檔。
演示Microsoft XMLDOM 對象
Dim objDom
Dim objRoot
Dim objChild1
Dim objChild2
Dim objPI
" XMLDOM 對象使用Server對象的CreateObject方法創建
Set objDom = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
"createElemnet方法又一個string參數,這個string 表示該element的名稱。
Set objRoot = objDom.createElement("rootElement")
"Use the appendChild Method of the XMLDOM Object to add the objRoot
"Element Reference to the XML Document.
objDom.appendChild objRoot
"Now, following the same steps, you will create references to the
"child elements for the XML Document. The only difference is, when the
"child elements are appended to the document, you will call the
"appendChild Method of the IXMLDOMElement Object rather than the
"appendChild Method of the XMLDOM Object. By using the IXMLDOMElement
"to append the chi en, you are differentiating (and applying tiered
"structure to) the child elements from the root element.
Set objChild1 = objDom.createElement("childElement1")
objRoot.appendChild objChild1
Set objChild1 = objDom.createElement("childElement2")
objRoot.appendChild objChild2
"The final step to take care of before saving this document is to add
"an XML processing instruction. This is necessary so that XML parsers
"will recognize this document as an XML document.
Set objPI = objDom.createProcessingInstruction("xml","vertsion="1.0"")
"Call the insertBefore Method of the XMLDOM Object in order to insert
"the processing instruction before the root element (the zero element