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  一、如何提高ALEXA網站排名?How to improve alexa ranking for website  Don‘t focus on your alexa ranking. Focus on getting quality traffic. You can increase the quality of your traffic by just being consistent in article marketing, forum posting, blog commenting, guest blogging, blogging etc. those are free methods but you can get quality and real traffic by just implementing those consistently.


  二、如何獲得網站流量?(How to get traffic to website?)  It takes diligence and hard work to drive traffic to your website.Providing original, quality, free content is still the most effective.


  Get more backlinks, do not use content generators, avoid copy pasting from another website. social media marketing is key. i get 90% of my traffic from twitter and facebook shares and i make good money


  三、如何獲得有效的外部鏈接?Effective ways of link building  Article submission(amazines, articlesnatch, goarticles, articleclick etc.。。), comments, directory submission, Blogging and Blog Commenting, forum activities and social bookmarking (twitter, facebook, stumbleupon, reddit, diggit etc.。。)

  譯文:把文章投稿到網站(注國外新聞稿發布網站amazines, articlesnatch等),評論、目錄提交、博客和博客評論、論壇活動和社會書簽(Twitter,Facebook,StumbleUpon,diggit etc等)。

  四、最好的關鍵詞工具是?Which is the best keyword tracker tool  I would agree with everyone here and also suggest Google Keyword Tool.

  You can get great keywords there by typing your initial keyword, and google will give you many other keywords. This tool is beyond amazing and FREE! Could anyone imagine 10 years ago to have such powerful information provided for free?

  譯文:我想大家都同意Google Adword是最好的關鍵詞工具,你搜索某個關鍵詞Google會提供許多其他關鍵詞,這個工具是驚人的,誰能想象10年前有這樣一款強大的免費工具?

  五、如何獲得Google的排名?How to rank on Google?  1:Always place your major keyword in the title, keywords and description tags.(設置主要關鍵字、標題、關鍵詞和描述標簽)

  2:You should go for link exchange with the quality websites.(與高質量網站交換鏈接)

  3:Make blog for each of your product and give your major keywords as your blog name(給每個產品和博客名稱設置keywords)

  4:Update blog on regular interval.(定期更新你的博客)

  5:Ping your blog regularly.(檢查網站是否能夠ping的通,確定網站服務器的穩定性)

  6:Submit each blog post URL on the top bookmarking sites like digg, faves,delicious etc.。(把每篇博文提交到像digg、faves、delicious etc等書簽站點上)

  7:Create product page on facebook.(在facebook上建立相關頁面)

  8:Submit your URL on the relevant directories.(把網址提交到相關目錄中)

  9:Always provide alt tag in the image.(給圖片加入ALT標簽)

  其實網站的seo優化也就那麼些東西,很多前輩們說的不錯 細節決定成敗。seo是一個長期的過程,不是短期就能夠看到效果的,這就需要站長們有一顆淡定的心,不段的積累經驗。相信只要肯努力你也一樣可以成為seo高手。

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